It is easy to fall in love with the great steam railways in the Netherlands. We visited a Steam Festival in Maldegem, Belgium where a lot of Dutch contributed tot the event. The show memorized the end of WW2. In this blog I show you photo’s of this festival; pay attention to the function of the railways in WW2; tell you about upcoming events and show you the way to Railway Stations from which ancient trains powered by steam locomotives offer regular service in the summertime.

Steam Trains in Holland and Belgium: the best steam trains in the Netherlands
The city Hoorn 70 km north of Amsterdam is the hometown of a fanatic group of volunteers maintaining, restoring, and operating ancient trains. Thus guarding our industrial heritage. The volunteers are organized in Foundation 162. They renovated and are the proud owner of the War Department No. 33 Diesel Locomotive. An authentic American locomotive of the US Army Transportation Corps, built specifically for the liberation of Europe in 1945. The locomotive is named “The Enter”. It was the first locomotive to be put ashore through the strong surf on the Normandy coast.
- Must See the “Museum Stoomtram” when you pass by Hoorn or Medemblik and book a historical ride through the countryside. If you’re lucky you will see the War Department No. 33 Diesel Locomotive passing by on a track. Address: Museum Steamtram, Van Dedemstraat 8, Hoorn
- Must See the city Stadskanaal in the North-East of Holland where a museum train is running all summer. The enthusiastic volunteers relentlessly organize vaporizing events. Address: Stoomtrein Stadskanaal Stationsstraat 3, 9503 AD Stadskanaal.
- Must See Goes, a city in the South-East of Holland is the hometown of a museum train with impressive steam locomotives among which a Wittouck, a steam locomotive SGB 3 ‘Bison’ and the “Enter” a steam machine with a Davenport engine. Address: Stoomtrein Goes Albert Plesmanweg 23, 4462 GC Goes.

Steam Trains in Holland and Belgium: Steam train in Maldegem
The main building of the Railway Station of Maldegem is an excellent restaurant offering a variety of Belgian beer and a good view on the platform from which the steam locomotives leave. The Steam Centre Maldegem maintains a regular line. Volunteers keep up the trains and run them. The train runs on Sundays and public holidays from 10 May to 27 September.

How to get to Maldegem, Belgie?
If you want to explore the beautiful Flanders countryside, take this train that passes through Sas van Gent, Bruges and Ghent. Maldegem is a charming town located within this city triangle.
➔ READ MORE – Book a nice hotel near Maldegem, Belgie
➔ READ MORE – Plan youre traveltrip well from the Netherlands to Maldegem, Belgie
Where to find the Steam Center Maldegem?
The Steam Center Maldegem is located at Stationsplein 8, B-9990 Maldegem, Belgium.
➔ READ MORE – Steam Center Maldegem, Belgie

Steam Trains in Holland and Belgium making a tribute to the railways in WW2
The Steam Center Maldegem in Belgium organized in May 2015 the “Rail – Road to Victory Festival”. A reeky festival with seven steam locomotives. The festival was part of the celebrations to commemorate the end of the Second World War 70 years ago.
Remembrance WW2 Steam Center Maldegem
Festival Steam Train. Annual at 4 and 5 May is a journey back to the past. Make a ride on a steam train, visit the museum steam train and train materials. If you love steam trains, don’t miss this annual event.
Orient Dining Express, Belgie
`Make your trip to Maldegem, Belgie extra special and book a ticket at the Orient Dining Express.
➔ READ MORE – Ticket for the Orient Dining Express, Belgie

Steam Trains during World War II
In the area of Maldegem was fought fiercely during World War II. May 1945-May 2015 is a period of an awesome 70 years of peace which come to a climax during this jubilee. During World War II, steam trains were commonly used for transportation of troops and supplies.
The Steam Center Maldegem celebrated this jubilee and made a tribute in particular to the Railways and their role during the liberation of Western Europe from the Nazi’s in 1945. Unfortunately the Germans used a Railroad Plough as they retreated destroying the infrastructure. But the railways were repaired quickly and in the UK about a thousand locomotives were assembled and transported to the continent during the operation Market Garden.

Forgotten Railway Stations
Are you interested in the destination of former railway stations? Well, Station Homburg offers a low budget hotel in their restored wagons.
➔ READ MORE – Station Hoburg, a forgotten railway station

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